WELCOME TO the HyperProbe project

Revolutionising brain surgery with multi-wavelength spectral imaging and artificial intelligence

Improved patient outcomes in neurosurgical procedures

HyperProbe Objectives

Building a novel advanced optical Imaging system

We will develop a cost-effective, transportable, and compact hyperspectral imaging system to guide neurosurgery

Developing articifical intelligence algorithms for biomarker identification

We will develop algorithms to identify biomarkers of brain activity for in vivo imaging during brain surgery and cortical activity stimulation

Validating HyperProbe in clinical settings

We will conduct feasibility studies on the performances of HyperProbe on patients during glioma surgery and multiple paradigms of stimulation of brain activity


We will periodically share news on research developments,
publications, presentations and more.

Work Packages

To address the key objectives of the project, HyperProbe is divided into 8 work packages.

  • WP1: Lab system development
  • WP2: Down-scale & prototyping
  • WP3: Optical and metrological characterization
  • WP4: End-to-end trainable pipeline image reconstruction and analysis
  • WP5: Validation against gold standards
  • WP6: Clinical observational studies
  • WP7: Dissemination, communication and exploitation
  • WP8: Project Management

Our Results

We’re making our research findings available for readers and are providing open access to our publications and public deliverables.


The HyperProbe consortium is a multidisciplinary team includinoptical and imaging engineers, physicists, software engineers, clinicians and industry players.
The project brings together nine renowned organisations and industry partners from all over Europe.

HyperProbe will transform brain surgery by advancing functional-guided neuronavigational imaging​

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